Palisade Sunday Farmers Market Announces HARVEST Market!

Poster Palisade Sunday Harvest Market

Palisade Sunday Farmers Market Announces HARVEST Market!

If you were as sad as us about the end of the Palisade Sunday Farmers Market, have no fear!

The Town of Palisade has announced their  FIRST Harvest Farmer’s Market this fall!

The market will be located around the downtown plaza (3rd and Main) every Sunday through October!

And of course, it will feature all the wonderful fall produce, roasted chiles, pumpkins and squash, chef demos, and Talbott’s Cider!

Don’t miss the kick-off with their Oktoberfest Party on Oct 7th with proceeds to benefit the Palisade Plunge Project!!!

Experience local breweries, music and more every week!

Get all the details here:

In the meantime enjoy some Laney Lou and the Bird Dogs, all the way from Great Falls, Montana!

Do you have friends or family thinking of buying or selling a home? I’d be honored if you gave them my contact info! Share this link with them and they can contact me below!


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