May – Wacky Holidays You Didn’t Know Existed

Pic of May 4th Image

May – Wacky Holidays You Didn’t Know Existed

Sad because you missed, “May the 4th Be with You” Day, and the last month of spring is almost halfway over?

Don’t despair!

The good news is you’r almost finished with the slew of Graduations you have to attend & there are still plenty of wacky holidays to celebrate before the month is over!

14 Dance Like a Chicken Day

15 National Chocolate Chip Day

16 Love a Tree Day

16 National Sea Monkey Day

17 Pack Rat Day

18 No Dirty Dishes Day

18 Visit Your Relatives Day

20 Be a Millionaire Day – That’s something I think we can all go for!

20 Pick Strawberries Day – Yummy!

23 Lucky Penny Day

24 National Escargot Day\

25 National Wine Day – This is one I’ll definitely be celebrating!

28 National Hamburger Day

29 Learn About Composting Day

30 Water a Flower Day

31 National Macaroon Day

31 Save Your Hearing Day

Of course don’t forget Memorial Day on the 28th, the last Monday of the month, The History Channel defines Memorial Day as our way to,

honor the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. military. Originally known as Decoration Day, it originated in the years following the Civil War and became an official federal holiday in 1971. Many Americans observe Memorial Day by visiting cemeteries or memorials, holding family gatherings and participating in parades. Unofficially, it marks the beginning of the summer season.

If you’re looking to hold your next celebration in a new home, make sure to contact me below or give me call at 970-985-8555

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