Find Your Perfect Home with Our Buyer Questionnaire

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Find your perfect home with our Buyer Questionnaire.

Let’s be realistic. Finding the perfect home rarely happens, as compromises are inherent in the home purchase process, but with our help, we’ll work to get you as close as we can to your perfect home.

You can also the questions below to help you figure out what you’re looking for as well. Please use it as a tool and if you’re ready for the next step, take a minute and help us by filling out the form below.

Your feedback will provide information we can use to simplify your property search and save you time. If there are any details that aren’t addressed in the questions, feel free to add them.

  • Where do you want to buy property?
  • Is there any specific part of the city/area that you prefer?
  • Do you have children?
  • Is there a specific school or school district you’d prefer to live in/near?
  • If yes, which school district(s)?
  • Do you have pets?
  • What kind, and how many?
  • Have you bought or sold a home in the past?
  • If yes, how long ago and where?
  • Do you need to sell a property before you can purchase another?
  • Are you currently in a lease?
  • If yes, when does it expire?
  • How soon do you want/need to be in a new home?
  • Are you interested in a new home, a resale home, or both?
  • Do you or any members of your family have any disabilities, conditions, or other circumstances that would require specific home features?
  • If yes, which features do you or your family members require?

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